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Photons are merely code. They transmit no energy, their properties of wavelength and frequency are entirely subjective to types of mass that can interact with them as 'detectors'. The energy that photons appear to unleased in mater is mostly likely inherent in the mass already and probably dark mater which is momentum of ordinary velocity

After a long discussion with the aliens I finally understand how defective text book physics is.  The latest discovery is matching up real dark energy of motion with the code transmission of photons. Most of that logic and proofs are presented in my other blogs or this one in stages.  Dark Energy I simply define as the invisible energy every object in motion has should it ever collide with another body of mass at any other velocity.  That gives us momentum with an object with velocity.  It is dark energy because until there is some sort of collision or interaction nothing about that energy is apparent . We can travel fast enough in a rocket to pass though solid steel thousands of feet thick , though we would vaporize in the process, the energy is onboard the space craft and with in us. That means it exists but to say it is dark just means until collision or interaction which might be eventually inevitable give probability in a cosmos full of other massive objects all in motion. One can drive in to a stationary tree and still see that energy is hidden in one's car and body thus dark or unseen.  That's is mater on mater collision but we also have knowledge of photon mass interactions and these actually have to also interact with that same dark energy of momentum/ motion / velocity as it is.  Photons change the angular momentum mostly of the outer most electrons to begin with and that in turn can affect the nucleus.  We know all of that but now it becomes a new law of  physics under the compendium of Lex New Laws of Physics.

Photons are merely code. They transmit no energy, their properties of wavelength and frequency are entirely subjective to types of mass that can interact with them as 'detectors'. The energy that photons appear to unlease in mater is mostly likely inherent in the mass already and probably dark mater which is momentum of ordinary velocity.  Photons don't affect all mater they are in sync with various types according to the properties of frequency and wavelength interactions with detector molecules and atoms/ subatomic particles. The periodic table and spectrum have a coding relationship over the entire spectrum and in fact we have the periodic table of elements precisely because of studies that used electro magnetism and resulting photons to discern one elemental substance from another .   So now the reservoir of energy up which photons act is known and that is the dark energy of momentum/ velocity. There could be other sources more nuclear considering reactions with mater of higher energy photons such as x-rays and gamma rays. 

The new law of physics is that :  Photons are merely code. They transmit no energy, their properties of wavelength and frequency are entirely subjective to types of mass that can interact with them as 'detectors'. The energy that photons appear to unleased in mater is mostly likely inherent in the mass already and probably dark mater which is momentum of ordinary velocity.

That may sound like too much for a badly constructed sentence but it seems to say it all.

The new laws of physics are separate of course. Photons merely transmit code is one new law of physics . Together they explain the whole phenomenon of photons, what they are and why they behave as they do without the analogies of waves and frequencies and mass that photons don't have. Yes it blows to bits Einstein's thesis that gravity affects photons. It only does because of refraction especially if an atmosphere is present as on earth or at the sun.  Mater and photons do interact but only because of coding and coding has no mass. we already use photons as code when it comes to sending television and radio broadcasts. we generate energy and send code with that energy and then amplify weak signals with more energy at a distance due to the inverse square law of radiation.  we pass light though fiber optic glass thousands of miles long and almost no energy is doing anything to anything in the glass. a code is being transmitter. prisms  disperse white light into  subcategories of photons because of coding not because of energy loss in the glass prism.


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