Einstein's Thought Experiment has some major defects including the space traveling dude who aquires enough kinetic energy of motion to blow up the earth on his speedy return.
Lex Loeb 3 hrs · I discovered a major mistake in Einstein's relativity today while watching nuts fall out of trees. You have Charlton Hesston take off in a space ship that reaches the speed of light on a ten year journey in which time his space ship crashes back into earth in the era when it is the planet of the apes and Obama is still president 100,000 years from now and well there is a big problem with that. Chariton Hesston is going at the speed of light and his body is absorbing all of t ... his energy of motion the type that Einstein caused the space craft moving at the speed of light to have a black hole following in its wake. Well then it takes a long time once reaching the speed of light and as much energy as it took to get the space ship and contents to the speed of light or approaching it. To slow down the space ship would take at least as long as it took to speed up or would cause a massive impact with anything it collided with. Hesston's bo...