My physics research is moving forward fast or maybe backwards because first latent energy of momentum is what photons derive point to point electromagnetic disturbances from. Backwards than emitting a photon or re-emiting a photon then contributes back again to the the net reserve of latent momentum. That only because of coding phenomenology since no energy what so ever is transmitted. So why code and what is code? That question is going to have an answer that will make quantum mechanics obsolete. Our code is linguistic, communicates ...but code gets sent all the time that no one can interpret unless they have the key to the code or 'break" the code to uncover it or discover it. So what is code then? some say information. I say directive probability . Or just probability. the more information revealed the more meaning we say the code transmitted. photons don't transmit meaning. code never transmits meaning. go to computer code of binary ones and zeros. It looks like 111000010010100010011101111101010100010....and that may represent something or might not. representations of electro magnetism over time and space...ah that's what it is...though it always requires a material interface for reactions to read it.....organisms with senses can sometimes to that but inorganic material can also follow the directions implied by photonic code. Its coding for electromagnetism.
Kinetic Motion Energy is dark also accounts for apparent expansion/ accelerating expansion of the universe as a frames of reference illusion.
I had this alien physics revelation last night that all planets, stars galaxies, etc have net kinetic energy of motion inherent in their existence. Space is incapable of having any metrics for these objects in space or for their potential kinetic force in collision. Collision of objects with kinetic energy of motion , like water above a dam, is something that only is realized and indicated/ measured by an actual interaction with other massive objects, So we can calculate ... the speed of the earth by crashing an asteroid into the earth and finding out out much energy is released to determine that kinetic energy of motion of both objects . We can see our frames of reference speed of the asteroid coming in and record that and then figure out the total number of meters per second the earth is traveling in the cosmos , of the sun for that mater too. traveling in empty space that is.. So then I go an inventory all the massive objects in the universe and they all have kinetic energy ...
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